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Who Controls the Youth Controls the World

A man or human alone
Cannot control a world
But they can suggest ideas,
For a better thinking!

And a better thinking is like
A new world of thinking!
An encyclopaedia of knowledge
And new ideas that paints
Harmony through
What is different and new!
And that’s what
an individual mind can do!

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Be Inspired to inspire – How to Inspire yourself in a way that inspires the world

The first question of this philosophical essay has to do with our theme. And it asks; “How can you inspire yourself in a way that inspires the world?

A model staring at art works.


A short answer is this; By seeking for inspiration from different multidimensional ideas one finds....

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A Beauty Like You!


A Beauty Like You!


Beauty like you does not suffer

Only dances in the sunshine!

Like sunlight bathing in the sky!


A beauty like you

Makes wonders happen

Like the magics of the heavens!



Your smile is like starlight,

A beauty like you

Brings light out of darkness!



My soul suffers for a glance or touch

While you walk down

The street like a golden image!


I see through your soul

But a silhouette of love

That never ends!


When you smile, I smile with you.

When you cry, I cry with you!

When you laugh, I laugh with you!


A beauty like you

Is a poet’s... (to read more please subscribe) [et_bloom_locked optin_id=optin_2] passion

A free verse of compassion!



It is all about you

Face, body and soul

A beauty like you!


A beauty like you

The world turns around you

Like earth around the sun!



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