Let us begin this critical thinking work or essay by explaining the origin of pluralism. The authors of the Theories of the State wrote that “pluralist political science begun as an attack on state monism,…...
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Who Controls the Youth Controls the World
A man or human alone
Cannot control a world
But they can suggest ideas,
For a better thinking!
And a better thinking is like
A new world of thinking!
An encyclopaedia of knowledge
And new ideas that paints
Harmony through
What is different and new!
And that’s what
an individual mind can do!
I want to Live Free, But…
I want to live free!
Free of prejudices!
Free of preconceptions!
And natural
In my thoughts and feelings!
I want to live Free
Free of the corruption
Of the human spirit!
That has over 3000 years
Growing in superstition
Rather than natural thinking!
Her Beauty
Her beauty
Is like a poem
Written by a golden hand
With form and structure
And valued only by those
Who know what it is!
An image sent by heavens
To make our lives joyful!
Her beauty is...
Why is Learning Needed to Deepen and Expand the Understanding of Theoretical Thought?
As a matter of fact the power of human beings is within human beings. And this is an unequivocal truth which can easily be proved. For example, the metamorphoses of human beings into great thinking…...
Humans – A Poem by DJ Creativity
Humans are great
But only when they
Know why they are....
From Passion to Art
Why is Passion needed in doing something? you ask.
When you bring to mind an action that is done with passion, you mean but a being that is fully and wholly absorbed in what this being does.
Like what or doing what? you ask.
For example, think of an actor that is abso...
Be Inspired to inspire – How to Inspire yourself in a way that inspires the world
The first question of this philosophical essay has to do with our theme. And it asks; “How can you inspire yourself in a way that inspires the world?

A short answer is this; By seeking for inspiration from different multidimensional ideas one finds....
Why Communication is an Art? DJ Creativity Explains
When you bring to mind the idea of communication, you bring to mind a means that conveys ideas from one being to another being.
Now imagine yourself in front of a jumble of letters trying to ....
A Beauty Like You!
A Beauty Like You!
Beauty like you does not suffer
Only dances in the sunshine!
Like sunlight bathing in the sky!
A beauty like you
Makes wonders happen
Like the magics of the heavens!
Your smile is like starlight,
A beauty like you
Brings light out of darkness!
My soul suffers for a glance or touch
While you walk down
The street like a golden image!
I see through your soul
But a silhouette of love
That never ends!
When you smile, I smile with you.
When you cry, I cry with you!
When you laugh, I laugh with you!
A beauty like you
Is a poet’s... (to read more please subscribe) [et_bloom_locked optin_id=optin_2] passion
A free verse of compassion!
It is all about you
Face, body and soul
A beauty like you!
A beauty like you
The world turns around you
Like earth around the sun!